To: Florida Conference UCC Disaster Ministry <>
Posted in Florida Conference UCC Disaster Ministry by C William Wealand 9:53am Jan 14
Helping You Be Prepared
for Human-Caused Disasters
that Strike in Your Community:
a Trauma Skills Building Workshop
In the last five years, shootings and other human caused events have
been escalating in the United States. Incidents such as “random”
shooting incidents raise many questions particularly for pastors who
face the Sunday morning sermon; and, phone calls from members of their
congregation asking “why did this happen” and what should we do to
help people affected.
You are invited to participate in a one-day skills-building workshop
that will provide practical tools and strategies for clergy to help
their congregations deal with the presenting crisis, and identify
PTSD, anger and other issues that may arise following a human-caused
disaster. Faith and scriptural perspectives will also be included.
Martha Jacobs, UCC Chaplains in Disaster Ministry, Coordinator
Kent Siladi, Florida Conference, Conference Minister
Bill Wealand, Florida Conference, Disaster Response Coordinator
Florence Coppola, UCC, Executive for National Disaster Ministries
Dates/Locations: February 11, 2013 at Congregational UCC, Punta Gorda
February 12, 2013 at First UCC, Hollywood
February 14, 2013 at the Altamonte Chapel
Time: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (all locations)
RSVP by January 30, 2013 to Candy Younglove at 407/835-7501 or email (lunch will be provided)
Fee: no fee to participants; program is supported by One Great Hour of Sharing
For additional information contact Bill Wealand at 352/406-4484 or